John Primer & The Real Deal Blues Band (USA) blues

Mercredi 23/03/2022 à 20H30

En exclusivité pour Bxl et la Wallonie !

Et voici l’évènement tant attendu : la tournée européenne de John Primer (guitariste de Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon et Magic Clim) qui revient pour la 5° fois au Blues-sphere avec son orchestre US ! Il vient encore de remporter un prix prestigieux à Memphis…

John paid his dues and in 1995 he began leading his own band, The Real Deal Blues Band. He has been recorded more than 87 albums with 17 albums in his own name. He has written and produced more than 55 songs on more than 6 record labels including his own, Blues House Productions. Earning 2 Grammy Award nominations, given 2 Lifetime Achievement Awards, inducted into the Chicago Blues Hall of Fame, awarded the « Muddy Award » for being a traditional blues icon, winning a Blues Music Award, Blues Blast Awards and countless other awards, John Primer is a legendary Chicago Blues Icon!

John Primer  : Guitar & Vocals / Lenny Media  : Drums / Steve Bell : Harmonica / Darryl Wright : Bass

Paf : 23€ prévente : 20€

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